BfE Network Newsletter – June 2020

BfE Network Newsletter – June 2020


We hope you are well and adjusting to the ‘new normal’ under the current circumstance with COVID-19. As we move towards gradually coming out of lockdown, and continue to adhere to social distancing guidance, we look forward to new opportunities also.  

Thank you for taking the time to read our network update. As a member of our community you are vital to our cause of ensuring Bradford District is place everyone has equal opportunities in education and employment, and that everyone in our District can get along and feel safe. 

In this update we will tell you what has been happening across our programme, as well sharing some news about some exciting opportunities you can get involved in.

We’re always keen to hear from local voices.  If you have a story you want to share, perhaps on a recent struggle, loss, a new friendship made, life in Covid-19 (positives and negatives) then we would love to hear it. Please get in touch at

Refugee Week 2020

In June we celebrated Refugee Week. In Bradford there were a number of online events and sessions held across the District to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our communities and connect people working to welcome and support them. These events were put together by Artworks Creative and partners, and included three events held together with Bradford For Everyone Ambassadors.  

As well as introducing the Welcome to Bradford (W2B) site developments and the “Anti Rumour and Critical Thinking Campaign” (#MakeSureItAddsUp) we held an open discussion on migration led by Migration Yorkshire. 

You can find out more about our local Refugee Week events on Twitter using the hash tag

#BradfordRefugeeWeek. Our W2B site can we found at and more information about migration in Bradford can be found on  

Black Lives Matter  

Events globally have focused on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement following the death of George Floyd. In Bradford our “Ambassadors” have been meeting to discuss this and what they can do as a group. Members of the group met with Bradford Hate Crime Alliance and linked in with Racial Justice Network to explore ideas to promote Anti-Racism and consider initiatives such as re-education and decolonisation. This work continues.

More information about these issues can be found the Racial Justice Network and Bradford Hate Crime Alliance websites.

The Bradford for Everyone website contains regular blogs and news items. The latest blog, from BfE Project Support Officer Matt Henderson, comes in the wake of the death of George Floyd and related resurgence of the BLM movement around the world. To read Matt’s blog – “White people need to talk about race” please visit the News section of our website.

Real people, real voices

Bradford for Everyone has been asking people in the district to record short audio clips providing an insight into the variety of ways in which Covid-19 has changed or affected their lives. You can hear a selection of thoughtful, reflective, sad and hopeful responses on the Bradford for Everyone website.

People Library  

With the support of a group of volunteers from Bradford’s “Future Leaders” programme, Bradford for Everyone will soon be

launching Bradford district’s “People Library”. This online library of ‘Human Books’ will be a place where inspirational stories and acts of great kindness or selflessness can be highlighted in a space where human ‘books’ are not judged by their ‘covers’ but by their contents – their actions and characters. 

Stories on the website will be as diverse as our community but will include a focus on acts of kindness, humanity and resilience during the Covid-19 crisis. If you think YOU might be a ‘human book’, have a positive story tell about people’s actions during Covid-19, or an interesting and inspirational story from your past, then please contact the People Library team at

Bradford 2025 – ‘City of Culture’ survey 

Bradford 2025 are very keen to ensure that the bid to be crowned “City of Culture 2025” reflects the true diversity of our district, is owned by the people of Bradford, and celebrates and showcases its biggest strengths. As the country’s youngest city one of these strengths is without question our young people.  Bradford 2025 are keen to hear what young people truly think of the district, what culture means to them and what they would like to see in 2025 and beyond. 

A very short online questionnaire has been put together for young people to complete: . If you are a young person please take the time to share your views. If you aren’t quite so young, but know people who are, please make sure to pass it on!

Intercultural Cities Update

We recently met with the colleagues from around the world to update on our efforts as an Intercultural City promoting the ‘diversity advantage’, and learn from best practice happening in other “Intercultural Cities” from Mexico, to Australia, Italy to Turkey. This included our response to COVID-19 and how we ensured services were provided that were culturally sensitive and met different language, economic and digital inclusion needs. 

As part of our Refugee Week activities Bradford also contributed to a Council of Europe campaign on “World Refugee Day” including a statement from the Lord Mayor of Bradford Cllr Doreen Lee and displaying social media banners (pictured).

We also took part in an international seminar on refugee employment with Academia+ and Aspire-Igen where Bradford for Everyone colleagues delivered a training session on our ICC employment developments as well as our Inclusive Employer projects. 

If you’d like to know more about Intercultural Cities please watch this video or visit the programme’s website.

Make Sure It Adds Up

Our #MakeSureItAddsUp campaigns aim to raise awareness about the importance of countering diversityrelated prejudices and critically think about rumours which can hamper positive interactions. The campaign encourages people to think critically and

#MakeSureItAddsUp before sharing information. The campaigns tackle rumours around Migrants, LGBTQ+, Islam and Working Class. During the current pandemic this campaign has also been used to help reduce rumours around COVID-19.

Belong Survey 

Bradford for Everyone helped lead on a survey to gather views across the District around the challenges we face in bridging divisions and bringing people together positively, as well as examining the impact on cohesion of the Covid-19 pandemic  The survey was put together in partnership with University of Kent.

now and in the future. The project is supported by the Nuffield Foundation and will run up until November 2020.

Innovation Fund  

Do you have an idea that we can fund that builds on the Stronger Communities Together Strategy and promotes the Bradford for Everyone ethos? Are you connected to a community group or organisation that might be interested in our Innovation Fund?

The Stronger Communities Partnership Board is inviting local groups to come forward with their innovative ideas to help improve integration outcomes with its third round of the Innovation Fund. We will offer individual awards between £2,500 and £5,000 using Participatory Budgeting. We can help you with your proposal; connect you with other delivery partners and help design monitoring of your proposal to measure successful outcomes. The total amount available for this pot is £50,000. Download the guidance document for further information.

The Innovation Fund is the Partnership’s grass roots programme which offers grant funding for community organisations to deliver, test or scale up ideas or address emerging tensions/issues. 

We recognise that activities and ideas that deliver on our commitment may be limited due to social distancing measures and self-isolation guidelines; we therefore request that interested applicants contact us in advance to discuss the potential idea and request an application form.

Due to COVID-19, we’ve extended our deadline to the 31 July 2020. Please get in touch at

Bradford for Everyone Ambassadors – We’re recruiting! 

The Bradford for Everyone Ambassadors group is a people’s advisory group to the Stronger Communities Partnership Board, which has oversight of the work we do.  This group has an important role to play in our city. We believe that local people make a difference to the way we deliver, design and evaluate services for communities across the district by helping us reach the maximum number of people, so all communities can really benefit from our activities. Like you, Ambassadors promote the work of Bradford for Everyone, and encourage others to get involved in creating a ‘Bradford for Everyone’. Ambassadors receive support and training to undertake the role.

Currently we have a number of vacancies for people who live in Bradford South, Bradford West,

Keighley and Shipley, and we are also recruiting for two Young Ambassadors (aged between 16 to 24) living anywhere in the District.  If you would like to find out more about becoming part of this group please email us at  

Bradford for Everyone Network – Help us grow!

If you know someone who cares about Bradford district and its people, whatever their backgrounds, please encourage them to join the network.

Let’s say “Thank You” Together  

The 5th July is the birthday of our NHS. Bradford for Everyone is supporting the “Together Coalition” to celebrate this day and thank each other and the NHS for support people have given each other during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the run-up to 5th July you can say a personal thank you to someone who matters to you by downloading an artists/together template and displaying it in your window.

Then, on the evening of July the 4th, put a light in your window – an LED candle, a lamp or a torch – to remember those we have lost. National landmarks will also be lit up as part of our collective memorial.

On the 5th July at 5pm, join a one-off clap for carers – the biggest yet, because this time it is to say thank you to everybody.

You also can join in on social media using the hash tag


Stay Connected

For more regular updates or ways in which you can get involved, please follow Bradford for Everyone on Social Media:

To sign up for our professionals newsletter please subscribe here

Thank you and stay safe!

The Bradford for Everyone Team
