Bradford District Shared Values – Self-Evaluation Tool Self-Evaluation Tool – How have you got on? Date of submission* Your Name* Name of organisation* If you are responding as an individual, please state ‘personal capacity’ Your role or job title? * Postcode* Email* What type of organisation do you represent? * —Please choose an option—Business / RetailCommunity groupFaith groupActivity and Recreation groupProgramme / ProjectVoluntary / Charity organisationLocal AuthorityHealth / NHSFire / Police / ProbationEducation (school, college, university)Partnership / BoardIndividual (personal capacity)Other If other, please specify 1. Have you implemented the Bradford District Shared Values of Protecting, Sharing, Respecting and Caring or added them to current values you already had and if yes, why? 2. What value and or positive outcomes do you think the Shared Values campaign brings to your business / organisation, to individuals and to the Bradford District as a whole? 3. Do you feel implementing the Shared Values has encouraged discussions or promoted any attitude or behavioural changes and if yes, how? 4. Do you think the Shared Values have helped to positively achieve any of the outcomes below and if yes please explain how? Increase knowledge of the values and application in everyday lifeStimulate community dialogue by encouraging community and organisational discussions on the valuesPromote essential attitude changeReduce discriminationImprove skills and sense of self-efficacy by focusing on teaching or reinforcing new skills and behaviours, such as respect, care etc.Other (please tell us more) If other, please specify Please explain, how the above outcomes were achieved? What next It’s always good practice to reflect on how you have got on. We are hoping this self-evaluation tool can capture how you have got on in implementing the shared values in your own setting. Once you complete and submit your self-evaluation, we will receive a copy of your evaluation too. This will help us see how you have got on, what worked and what did not. We can then capture the learnings to help shape and inform the development and future of the campaign. You will also receive a copy of your own evaluation, which you can then use to showcase your own success and also help you build on all the good work that you have already been doing. You can complete your self-evaluation annually or whenever you see best. By reflecting on who we are, our actions and what we do, these values will continue to strengthen the connection, love and bonds within and between the communities of the Bradford District generations to come. Please tick this box if you’d like to receive information and updates about this campaign.Please tick this box if you’d be happy to be contacted by Bradford for Everyone to help improve the campaign.I have read the privacy statement below. Read the privacy statement here By completing and submitting this form you are agreeing to your information being used by Bradford Council to contact you about this campaign only. You can opt out of being contacted by responding to any email received and asking to 'opt out'. The data you have provided will be kept private, stored securely and used by Bradford for Everyone ( This form and the associated data will be used solely for this research purpose and will be deleted on completion of the remit of work. For further information please see Bradford for Everyone’s Privacy Policy or email us at