Bradford for Everyone English Language Advice Hub
July 23, 2020
Do you deliver ESOL? If yes, we want to hear from you!
We are currently working on mapping ESOL provision across Bradford district. Mapping enables us to sign up providers onto the regional Learn English website, which will signpost new arrivals and migrants coming into Bradford to find appropriate ESOL provision to their current level of need. The website is funded through the programme and therefore free to all Bradford organisations and was developed by the Migrant English Support Hub (MESH). MESH is a charity dedicated to supporting adult migrant language learners in the Yorkshire & Humber region. It is designed to provide helpful information to providers, ESOL students and potential students.
We hope this will be completed before classes start in September. All ESOL providers delivering ESOL (informal, formal and volunteer led provision) will be able to share course information on the website. Here is the link for the Learning English website:
We have contacted many Bradford providers informing them of our project, however, we are very mindful about ensuring all ESOL providers across the district are represented. So if your organisation delivers ESOL and we have not been in touch with you directly yet, please email or call 07971939360.