Who we work with

Even if we don't like it, we still deal with the harder issues rather than ignoring them.

Anonymous, Leading the Way in equality, diversity and inclusion survey 2022.

Living Well

Living Well is an initiative led by Bradford Council Public Health and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership. It aims to address the rising levels of obesity and reduce the high levels of early and preventable deaths within the district. We want to make the healthy choice the easy choice for people in Bradford District by providing information, advice and support to create an environment that encourages and empowers people in Bradford district to eat well, move more and maintain good mental wellbeing. You can learn more about Living Well on their website - mylivingwell.co.uk

Child Friendly District

In Bradford District we have an ambition to put the voice of children young people at the heart of all we do. This is reflected in the Council Plan and District Plan as well as the Children and Young People’s Strategy. It is also reflected within the Wellbeing Board itself, where groups of young people have been invited to attend the board to present on the issues that they are passionate about.

Child Friendly Bradford District is our partnership approach to giving more children and young people more voice and influence over their local services, their schools and in their communities. Our approach is based on the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child particularly Article 12 which states that when adults make decisions that affect the lives of children and young people, they have the right to be involved in that decision making process.

Whether you want to consult with children and young people or involve them in co-production activities, recruitment panels, commission panels or in developing policy and strategies - we are here to support you and to help you connect with young voices across the district. We are also available to visit your team to deliver workshops and development sessions. Contact us on childfriendly@bradford.gov.uk

Health Determinants Research Centre (HDRC)

The Centre aims to help Bradford Council to become more research-active, using evidence to inform our decision making by undertaking research and evaluation relating to our activities and synthesising and mobilising existing evidence. The Centre will work to build the infrastructure and change the culture so that high quality research, evidence and evaluation lies at the heart of what we do. We will focus on what can be done to address the wider drivers of population health and health inequalities, explicitly addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups and areas within Bradford. We will work in partnership with agencies across the district and will also have a key role in ensuring residents and communities are involved in determining research priorities in the area.

Reducing Inequalities Alliance

In Bradford District and Craven we know that people living in deprived areas of our district are more likely to die sooner than those in less deprived areas – this difference can be as much as 10 years. Through the Reducing Inequalities Alliance, we are working together to close this gap and reduce inequalities in our communities. You can learn more about the Alliance on the partnership website.