EU Settlement Scheme

EU Settlement Scheme

The Stronger Communities Team in Bradford Council have been working across the district with community organisations to raise awareness of the impending deadline of 30th June for EU Settlement Scheme applications.

A variety of methods have been employed to get the word out including videos in EU languages, leaflets distributed in schools and community centres and information made available on Bradford Council’s and Bradford for Everyone websites. A novel way of sharing the messages with communities has been the use of ‘IWalkers’ (information attached) that have gone into main thoroughfares and neighbourhoods to ensure that we reach all communities. The messages from the IWalkers has reached 67.000 people across the district.

The Stronger Team has worked closely with Girlington Community and Advice Centre, West Bowling Centre, Karmand Community Centre, UK Butterflies, Citizen Advice Bureau and The Good Shepherd Centre in Keighley to offer free specialist advice support for people EU nationals to get their settlement applications submitted. There have been 34,730 applications submitted by the end of March 2021 from Bradford.

Bradford Council iWalker EUSS PCA 18-20 June 2021
