People Library

The latest stories

Collated by Bradford People Library

Bradford’s People Library is a collection of ‘human books’ highlighting the many things we have in common as human beings, as well as celebrating our differences. Read on for inspiring stories from people born and bred or newly arrived and who live in all parts of our wonderful district. Demonstrating that there is always more to a human ‘book’ than just its cover.

To find out more about the People Library, and how you could tell your story, please click here.

Watch our videos

Islamophobia is one of the key campaigns outlined in our Anti-Rumour and Critical Thinking Strategy. As part of the #IAMBRADFORD month (November), we talked to nine diverse...
Black Voices
We speak to four people who have made Bradford their home. What is Black History? Black history is everyone’s history, whether that be the history of British English...

Read our stories

Football, Books and Bears
How one football coach's idea is breaking down literacy barriers across Bradford “I had everything going for me growing up, but it would strike fear down my spine every...
People just like you
“We were trying to save our lives, but the future was uncertain…” A story from one of the ‘most discriminated people in the world’* Everyone expected...
Whose are yous?
Overcoming 900 years of segregation to find a home and belonging in Bradford. Belonging is a fundamental building block to life, as it allows you to build a...
Finding fulfilment in a shed
Tackling mental health and wellbeing through shared passions and community “If you sit twelve men in a circle and ask them to chat about their problems, the...
Staring at a new world
I was a frightened 16 year old, staring at a new world, longing for safety and a happy home. I came to the UK when I was sixteen with the help of the Red Cross, after...
It's important for fathers to know that they are important figures in their children’s’ lives and that it's OK to have a strong connection with your child. I was...
I’m Possible
To box for a world title was a dream come true... There was a little room with all its windows covered except for a small square and I would sit there and watch them...
Write Your Own Scripts
I’m black and I come from a council estate. I was trying to break into an industry where you're expected to hide where you’re from. My name is Peter 'Rad' Miller....
During my childhood it often felt like all the odds were against me. I was born in Bradford and lived in Windhill, Shipley for most of my youth. At great cost to my...
“Well, I’m not sure what I am, but I’m definitely not straight!” This is a sentence I said to myself back in the spring of 2004. As an undergraduate student I was...
Be good at being me
It was the start of one of the biggest battles I have ever faced, yet even then I kept quiet... Each person has a story to tell, this could be at different stages in...
A Breath of Fresh Air
My name is Connor Drake, a 24-year-old working class Bradford lad. I grew up in Clayton and I'm the first person in my family to go to university.  University...